Areas of Expertise


Our Areas of Expertise



Leadership Development



63% of millennials do not feel like they are being developed as leaders.
71% of those millennials plan to leave in the next two years.
56% of organizations are not ready to meet leadership needs.
77% of organizations overall are currently experiencing a LEADERSHIP GAP.*


Higher Productivity:  Participants build strong peer-to-peer networks that increase their effectiveness and engagement.
Greater Organizational Commitment:  Participants feel valued and recognize the investment the organization is making in them.  
Rapid Integration:  Participants get in-the-moment feedback that can be applied immediately. 
Leadership Toolkit:  We give participants tools, models and the most recent research on leadership to cascade to the rest of their team. 


Executive Coaches:  We develop impactful relationships that help leaders examine their behaviors, as well as how their mental and emotional state impacts their effectiveness. 
Masterful Facilitators:  We create a structured dialogue that creates learning conversations.  We also use in-the-moment situations for learning and feedback.
Expertise:  We have designed programs for organizations around the world, across industries and for all levels. We work closely with each organization to ensure that the culture, leadership frameworks and competencies of each organization are fully integrated into all aspects of the program.
*Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends 2016  


Our Leadership Development Program is fully customizable.  

Sample Program Components:

  • Six half-day facilitated classroom experiences that encourage sharing of best practices and creating networks within the organization. 
  • Six one-on-one virtual coaching meetings allow each participant to hone in on his/her own learning objectives.  
  • Six peer-led small groups provide a supportive environment for participants to discuss in-the-moment challenges.
  • Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) to understand thinking preferences.
  • EQ-i 2.0 Assessment to increase awareness of emotional intelligence strengths and gaps.
  • Leadership Toolkit that addresses the topics most important to today’s leaders.

Optional Learning Modalities:

  • Formal Mentoring
  • Speakers from Different Internal Groups
  • Case Studies
  • Experiential Learning Projects (Action Learning Sessions)
  • Cohort Networking/Presentations
  • Community Engagement Project


Executive Presence:  Presenting with Impact

As a leader, whether you’re communicating in person or virtually, it’s vital to learn to present yourself and your ideas clearly and confidently. Whether you want to ensure your voice is heard at the table, persuade others to take action, or enhance your brand, this high-energy, practical workshop equips you with tools to take your communication and presentation skills to the next level. Learn how successful presenters manage anxiety before and during presentations. Discover three powerful secrets to convey executive presence.  Apply strategies for tailoring your message to different audiences so you have greater influence.  Identify actions you can take – immediately and authentically – to increase your personal impact.



Emotional Intelligence:  The Skills that Mean Business

In many workplaces, your IQ (intellect) gets you hired, while your EQ (emotional quotient or emotional intelligence) can get you promoted…or fired.  This course helps you learn how to consciously increase your EQ in ways that are observable to you and those around you.  For example, past participants have used this course to learn practical ways to regulate their response to emotional triggers, to increase their ability to communicate with empathy, and to create an action plan to manage their work relationships with greater finesse and effectiveness.  This course can be linked to EQ instruments including the Bar-On and Talentsmart.


Courageous Conversations

Offered face-to-face or virtually, this course addresses the art and science of courageously communicating about challenging topics in ways that foster productivity and collaboration. These skills are vital for leaders, teams and individual contributors, particularly now when people need to work virtually to make important business decisions. Whether in-person or virtual, often those conversations are less than productive: the real issues aren't surfaced or even if the objectives are achieved, relationships may be strained. This course goes far beyond the basics of a good meeting (have an agenda, invite the right people). In this course you will learn how to design a highly productive conversation and practice 5 key conversational moves. Leave with a toolkit and a customized action plan to dramatically increase your capacity to have courageous, impactful conversations.



Capitalizing on Team Diversity in a Virtual World: Collaborating for Results

In our current climate individuals and teams are being called on to work remotely and collaborate in new ways. This highly-customized and actively-facilitated virtual approach helps teams learn practical skills and tools to more effectively communicate and navigate across differences which are creating challenges for them (e.g., HBDI brain thinking styles, communication preferences, learning styles, geography, background). We help the team practice key skills, leverage cutting edge tools that invite active and more equal participation, and establish norms that increase engagement, inclusivity, and courage to challenge. Teams establish their own dashboard with key criteria they will use to track their progress collectively. Individuals also commit to actions they will take to increase their skill and confidence in collaborating for results.


Individual and Team Coaching

We offer four types of coaching.

Individual executive/leadership coaching.  
As certified coaches affiliated with the Hudson Institute, we partner with leaders and emerging leaders to provide individual coaching.  Individual coaching gives us the opportunity to get to know people in a deeper way and serve as thought partners.  We love supporting career development, leadership capacity, work/life quality and transformation from one stage of life to the next.  To ensure maximum impact, our engagements are typically four to six months in length and often include stakeholder feedback.  When we gather stakeholder feedback, we use a systems approach, focusing on what the individual can do better to serve the needs of the organization and what the stakeholders can do to support the development of the coachee.

Integrated program coaching.  
To increase the impact and stickiness of our leadership development and executive presence programs, we often meet with clients one-on-one in between the group sessions.  These confidential sessions provide greater opportunity to support individuals in integrating new behaviors and making sustained behavior changes.

Team coaching.  
We offer team coaching to support the growth and development for new and existing teams.  Clients often request team coaching to support teams in identifying and then addressing internal and external barriers.  We support the team in determining how the team can meet its needs as well as the organizational goals.

Dyad coaching.
This method of coaching is designed to help two high-level individuals transform their working relationship from what they might describe as contentious or even dysfunctional to a skillful, collaborative, healthy partnership. Dyad coaching is an effective strategy when:

  • Two people must work together for the business/project to succeed, yet they are not communicating well with one another

  • Each party sees the "other" as the problem and distrust between the two is high

  • Both parties spend more time talking about each other...or past each other....than with each other

  • The dysfunctional dynamic is jeopardizing the bottom line, client satisfaction, and/or employee morale 
